- Anatomy
- Conditions
- Procedures
Hip Labral Reconstruction
Hip labral reconstruction is a surgery that involves the use of a graft to replace the damaged portion of a hip labrum. The hip labrum is a ring of fibrous cartilaginous tissue that surrounds the socket of the hip joint.
Femoroacetabular Osteoplasty
Femoroacetabular osteoplasty is the surgical reshaping of the protruding bony surface of the femur or acetabulum of the hip joint. FAO is performed arthroscopically as a minimally invasive procedure. An arthroscope is a small, fiber-optic instrument consisting of a lens, light source, and video camera.
Hip Abductor Tears
Hip abductors are a major group of muscles found in the buttocks. It includes the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and tensor fascia lata muscles.
Proximal Hamstring Repair
Hamstring injuries primarily occur when the muscle is exposed to extreme strain; when it is stretched beyond its ability or when it must withstand a sudden load. This is commonly seen while sprinting – the hamstring muscles must bear the body’s entire weight and experience extreme contraction as you push off the ground to move forward.
Sciatic Nerve Decompression
The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that originates in the lower back (lumbar spine), running along the hip and back of the leg and branching off at the knee. The sciatic nerve may become compressed or entrapped along its path resulting in pain and other symptoms.
Endoscopic Surgery for Deep Gluteal Syndrome
Deep gluteal syndrome (DGS) is an underdiagnosed medical condition characterized by symptoms of excruciating pain, numbness, and tingling in the buttock, hip, or posterior thigh area that can radiate down the back of the leg.